5 Tools I Use To Stick With My Daily Habit Of Writing At Least One Atomic Essay

Jeremy McKay
2 min readJan 31, 2023

Daily Writing

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I love writing and getting at least one atomic essay published daily.

I have a handful of tools I use daily. Using tools keeps my mind free for important creative pondering. They have become part of my daily habit, and I recommend them to anyone and everyone.

Here are my favorite tools to stay in flow:

Tool #1: Pen and plain white typing paper. I learned this process from Julia Cameron’s Book The Artist’s Way and changed it to work with my muse. Sometimes, I write 3 words sometimes three pages. Julia recommends 3 pages.

Tool #2: I use drafts it is an iOS app that will allow dictation from my watch. Great for recording that amazing idea that pops into my head ten minutes into my walk with my dog.

Tool #3: Obsidian is the second tool I use daily. It works on all platforms. It is an awesome Personal Knowledge Management system. Great for free flow and linking ideas. I love it and I have barely scratched the surface of the possibilities.

Tool #4: I use ProWritingAid. It helps with proofreading, spell checking and readability suggestions.

Tool #5 The top tool I wouldn’t be without is typeshare.co. The templates offered help coral my writing. It is the best investment I made in my writing tool kit this year. It bears the templates are amazing.

What are some tools you use?

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Jeremy McKay

Ageless full-time software engineer. Expert remote worker. PT Nomad. My values guide my choices. I provide tips for staying engaged, relevant, and employable.